Dengan berkembangnya sistem tranportasi dan teknologi infomasi yang sangat cepat, dunia semakin tanpa sekat. Orang menjadi lebih mudah dan leluasa bergerak dari negara satu ke negara lainnya. Dalam kondisi seperti ini, kesempatan besar akan didapatkan bagi mereka yang mempunyai kompetensi dan daya saing yang dibutuhkan oleh dunia saat ini dan di masa depan.
Lulusan ICP mempunyai kesempatan yang luas melanjutkan studi ke luar negeri untuk mengembangkan cakrawala dan mendepatkan peluang masa depan yang lebih baik.
University of Cambridge International Examinations is the world’s largest provider of international education programmes and qualifications for 5 – 19 year olds. The qualification are taken in over 160 countries across 6 regions (Americans, Asia Pacific, Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, South Asia, and Southern Africa) and recognized by universities, education providers and employers across the world.
The Cambridge approach supports schools to develop learners who are confident, responsible, innovative and engaged – equipped for success in our fast-changing, modern world. All programmes and qualifications follow a learner-centered approach.
Cambridge qualifications provide learners with a passport to success in education, university and employment.
Untuk mendukung ketercapaian kompetensi di atas, ICP menyelenggarkan beberapa kegiatan pendukung di antaranya; English Camp, English Festival, Native Session, Entreprenuership, Digital Class, Five Minutes Presentation, My Vlog, My Best Diary, Outing Class, Philantrophy Program, Leadership Camp dan masih banyak kegiatan pendukung yang lain. Dan untuk mengukur tingkat capaian siswa, Intenational Class Program melaksanakan penilaian siswa secara berkala dengan Progression Test di setiap semester dan Check Point Test di akhir masa belajar atau kelas IX. Selain itu, Program ibadah dan pembelajaran Al Quran juga menjadi kegiatan utama siswa ICP setiap hari.
International Class Program menekankan pada kemampuan yang sangat dibutuhkan dalam persaingan global yang meliputi; keterampilan bahasa Inggris baik speaking, listening, writing dan reading serta kemampuan berpikir tingkat tinggi (Higher Order Thinking Skills) dalam setiap mata pelajaran Cambridge dan program pendukungnya.
Cambridge Secondary 1 is a world-class education programme, typically for learners aged 11 to 14 years. It develops skills and understanding in English, Mathematics and Science.
At the end of Secondary 1 programme, learners will take Cambridge Checkpoint. Cambridge Checkpoint enables feedback to be provided on a learner’s strengths and weaknesses in key curriculum areas. The tests cover all major areas of learning required in the first years of an international secondary education.
Cambridge Secondary 1 gives learners an excellent foundation for the next stage of education.
Cambridge Pathway gives students the skills they need for life.
Children will develop higher order thinking skills to apply what they’ve learned including:
– solving problems creatively
– thinking for themselves
– doing their own research and communicating it
– working with other people on a project they’ve designed together.
Children’s needs as a learner are at the heart of our approach to education, developing students who are:
Confident in working with information and ideas – their own and those of others.
Responsible for themselves, responsive to and respectful of others.
Reflective and developing their ability to learn.
Innovative and equipped for new and future challenges.
Engaged intellectually and socially, ready to make a difference…
Our programme is built around what matters most to your child as they take their first steps in education: